Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Western Wreath - How To

Howdy! I decided a couple weeks ago that our door was looking a little barren. So in the spirit of the season I decided to liven up our door here at Cowboy Outfitters with a western inspired fall wreath! 

The Supplies:

  • A 12 inch straw wreath
  • Fake fall leaves and silk flowers 
  • Fake Barbed Wire (approx. 5 feet)
  • 1 1/2 inch burlap ribbon (approx. 3 yards)
  • 1/2 inch red ribbon (approx. 3 yards)
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Six inches of thin bendable wire


Position your wreath in a flat area for working while your glue gun is warming up. When warm, glue down the start of the barbed wire strand on the back of the wreath in the 8 o'clock position. Once dried, you can start wrapping your fake barbed wire loosely around the wreath until you reach the 4 o'clock position on your wreath. Circle the wire end around and glue the remaining end onto itself on the front. You can make a decorative loop of any remaining wire and glue this to the end as well!


After your fake barbed wire is glued and wrapped around your wreath, its time to add some floral decorations. Cut off smaller leaves and flowers leaving small stems and position them following around the curve of the wreath. You can put whatever colors or styles you would like, but I choose fall colors for mine. 


Time to add the bow! You can make several different styles of bows for you wreath. On this wreath I chose a Christmas wreath style bow to for mine and attached it with hot glue on the back to hide the glue. I used a red ribbon with the burlap ribbon to give it a small color boost so my bow tails didn't blend in with the background. The extra color also helped to give my bow some depth and volume!

And there you have it! A beautiful Western inspired fall themed wreath all of your own! Feel free to make small changes and add more decorations to give it your own touch!


Copyright Cowboy Outfitters 2014

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April Fool's Jokes

We love jokes and pranks at Cowboy Outfitters!

So we asked our Facebook fans who played April Fool's jokes on their friends and loved ones.

Image from

Here are some of our favorites!

Ryan C. 
"Told everyone on face book that I was selling all my guns, buying a hybrid, and that I now understand that
Obama is just misunderstood."

Julie T. 
"I got my kids. I told them on the way to school this morning that I was pregnant. LOL They are 17 & 14 - 
one was speechless and one was happy. But both were relieved when I said April Fools!"

Beverly W. M.

"my daughters boyfreind told her they won the lottery...then said Aprils Fools! She got him back by saying 
she was pregnant...he almost had heart failure lol!!!!!!!!!!" 

Jennifer H.
" i called my 24 yr old daughter all serious told her i was pregnant she screams YOUR WHAT? April fools she then says "oooooo mamma my stomach hurts now i gotta sit back down lmao #welcometomyworldsweetie" 

Christina H. C.
"I told my daughter that her horse got out of the yard and I could not find her anywhere. My daughter just turned 17 and this horse is her life when I told her April fools I was glad she was at school lol"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

7 Steps To Buying the Right Horse: By Clinton Anderson with J. Forsberg Meyer

I ran across this article at and really enjoyed reading it. I know from personal experience that finding "the one" horse can be quite stressful and time consuming.

When you find the right horse, then come to Cowboy Outfitters to outfit both you and your horse!

Horse-buying mistakes are costly and heartbreaking. Avoid them with these key tips from master horseman and clinician Clinton Anderson.

Be sure to ride the prospective horse a few times in different situations.
Looking to buy a horse? The time is definitely right, as it's a buyer's market in this down economy. But just because a horse is "a good deal" doesn't mean he'll be good for you. If he doesn't match your needs in several key ways, he won't make you happy-even if you get him for free.
I'm going to give you seven key criteria to consider before you make that important buying decision, plus a list of strategies to apply to any horse purchase. If you make good use of this information, you'll greatly increase the odds that you next horse will be a pleasure to own and fun to ride.
Sound good? Then let's get started, mate.
1. Is he a match for your riding ability?
This is the biggie, of course. The horse’s temperament and “brokeness” must match your experience and ability level as a rider and handler. The biggest mistake I see at my clinics all over the country is green, inexperienced people trying to work with green, inexperienced horses. When you’re a novice, trying to learn on an inexperienced horse is the ideal way to destroy your confidence, set your training back, and put yourself in a position to get hurt.

Don’t tell yourself that you and a young horse will “learn together.” I have a saying about that: “Horses teach people, then people teach horses.” By that I mean, first buy one that already has the training and experience to teach you. Then, much later, after you've had a chance to absorb what one or more seasoned horses can teach you, you can try your hand with a greener prospect or with starting a colt.Instead, select a horse that has a little age and maturity on him, with plenty of training and riding on his resumé. Well-cared-for horses can remain serviceably sound and rideable well into their teens and beyond, and many of the older ones are terrific confidence-builders.
If you're not sure what your ability level is, get evaluated by a professional. Take a few lessons with a reputable trainer, then ask him or her to recommend the type of horse that will work best for you. This person might also help you find that horse.
2. Will he suit your riding goals?
First ask yourself what you want to do with the horse. Take nice, quiet trail rides? Be competitive in Western pleasure or reining? Try your hand at barrel racing? Each of these warrants a horse with a different background of training and experience.
If trail riding is your main goal, for example, don’t let yourself fall in love with one that’s a “made” pleasure horse—but has never set hoof out of an arena. In other words, make sure the horse has been successfully doing what you want to do with him.
By the same token, if you’re buying a horse for your child, be sure the horse in question has been ridden by a kid in roughly the same age group as yours. A horse that’s great for an adult won’t necessarily be good for a child. Sometimes they are, but to be safe, try to find one that’s already been working as a child’s mount.
3. Do his energy needs match your riding schedule?
This one is often overlooked. Here’s how it goes: You look at a horse that’s in a six- day-a-week program, and he’s just as nice and quiet and well-mannered as can be.
You buy him, bring him home, and put him on your schedule—that is, three days a week when you can manage it, and often just weekends. In a month’s time, the nice, quiet horse has turned into a nervous, high-powered wreck.
To avoid this pitfall, always ask what type of riding schedule the horse needs to be at his best. If what the horse needs differs from what you can give him, proceed with caution. You might ask the owners to put him on that schedule, then go try him again later. Here’s also where a trial or a lease-to-buy arrangement can be very helpful.
Above all, if you know you’re going to have just one or two days a week to ride and work with the horse, be absolutely sure you select a quiet one that’s already proved to stay sane and happy on that sort of schedule.
4. Is his behavior consistent?
Obviously, you can’t answer this one if you only try him once, no matter how good he seems the first time you ride him. Go back and ride him as many times as you can, and in different settings.
Ask the owner to find another horse, if need be, so the two of you can go on a trail ride—ideally away from home base (because a lot of horses act much differently away from home than they do in their familiar stomping grounds).
Or, if showing is your main goal, ask the owner to bring the horse to a local schooling show, where you can ride him around the show grounds to see how he reacts in a show environment. If appropriate and the buyer is willing, you might also ride the horse in a class or two.
5. Is he willing, able, and happy to learn?
The best way to assess this quality is to try some of my training methods on the horse. Look for a good-natured willingness to attempt what you’re asking, rather than smooth performance. In other words, if you try to flex his neck to the side from the ground, or back him out of your personal space, don’t worry if he seems a bit stiff or slow to respond. Instead, note whether he at least tries to understand and do what you’re asking, without getting sullen, cranky, or defiant.
Ideally, do this impromptu training on several different days, and see if the horse improves over time. If he does, and if he accepts the training without objection, then he’s likely a willing and good learner—a highly desirable quality.
6. Will he lope quietly?
You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t lope a horse before buying him. Yet loping is so critical, not just to see how he lopes, but also as a measure of his overall training, willingness, and temperament.
You see, most horses feel some obligation to at least walk and trot, and will do so without much backtalk. It’s when you ask them to lope that chinks in their training or any latent naughtiness issues are likely to come out.
Obviously, start by having the owner lope the horse. If he or she won’t, it should be a deal-breaker, regardless of the excuse. Then, if for any reason you don’t feel comfortable loping the horse yourself (because you want to get to know the horse more first), bring along someone who will.
Ideally, the horse should lope willingly and quietly, on the correct lead. If he can do it on a loose rein, even better.
Especially if you’re a timid rider, remember this: A lack of confidence almost always stems from a feeling of lack of control. When you feel you have control, you feel confident. And if you have a horse that lopes willingly and quietly from the get-go, you’ll feel in control of him.
7. Will he pass a vet check?
A pre-purchase exam (or vet check) is important regardless of the horse’s asking price—because you can get just as attached to an inexpensive horse as you can to a costly one, and any later vet care will cost as much as it would for a pricey horse.
Bear in mind, though, that every horse will have some negatives—especially those terrific, more mature confidence builders. The key is to talk to the examining veterinarian about what you can and can’t live with, based on your intended use for the horse. (And you may be able to negotiate a reduced price based on what the vet check turns up.)
On the other hand, if a serious, can’t-live-with-it problem turns up, don’t hesitate to reject the horse. Remember, there’s always another horse out there. This won’t be your only chance, so don’t buy yourself into a heartache.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekly Deal - Hats Galore!

The Weekly Deal has been posted!

Kingman Jr. Hat - perfect hat for the kid's - One Size Fits Most

Soul Searching Hat - Black with Turquoise Inlay

Cascade Range - Leather Hat with Turquoise InlayWeekly Deal